wtorek, 17 grudnia 2013

Expensive bad manners! A lesson to be learnt!

Finally France gives me a reason for praising, not grousing!
Here is a short story which shows that good manners are almost scarce as hen`s teeth*
(extremely rare*)

How many of you would work either in the restaurants, cafes, pubs etc. and would be fed up not that much with the job itself as with the 'nice' customers ?
They can either make your day or spoil it completely!

But here is a piece of good news coming!
One of the managers of a French cafe in Nice implemented an amazing way to 'punish' unpleasant customers:

Żródło: Internet

Basically the idea is simple:
If one orders a coffee with no: please, good morning, thank you he will have to pay quite an exaggerated amount of 7 Euros.
If one is polite enough to  add: please, the price drops down to 4,25 E.
And if one orders a coffee in a normal way (which seems to be extinct) and says: Hello, please and thank you he pays a very decent price of  1,40 E.

If you feel like reading more about it have a look in here:

It is a pity that nobody invented such an idea when I worked as a waitress - even dealing with a rude customer would be a pleasure while charging him of  7 Euros for a coffee :)

Wouldn`t it be easier and CHEAPER  if we were simply nice to one another? 

What do you think about this initiative? Are you for or against it?

1 komentarz:

Anonimowy pisze...

Cucu c'est Zaida!! =) Finally a new post that I can read and understand without problems!! hahahaha :P You have to write the next one in Spanish!!!! hahaha :D Bisous ma belle!!! :D